God-Damned Fucking SPAMMERS
Attention to all the people who find my blog "Inquisitive", and would like to tell me about being a park ranger, or give me advice on investing my money into penny stocks:
Seriously... to darreljones2541388358, christopherbenson9725, and all the rest of you... we don't go to your blogs. Please invent some sort of filter that keeps you off of blogs where the posters are intelligent enough to ignore you. Maybe a spellchecker... if you get less than 1% errors, assume the blog is being written by someone who isn't retarded, and move on.
Unfortunately, this is all so much screaming in the wind because there's no way to get rid of spammers, mostly because the people in charge don't really want to. They provide valuable search-enigne fodder and ad-click revenue. Spam is the corporation's best friend, and my undying nightmare. In honor of this, my pictures of the day will be as scary as I can find.
I didn't even realize this happened until I went to someone else's blog and was reading through the comments and this woman posted this sob story and how you could help by clicking on her blog.
Right after the other.
Now, click here and....
Oh my God. The irony.
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