Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Sick Babies...

... lead to healthier ones, but that doesn't make the experience any more fun for any of the parties involved.

Sebastian's temperature decided it didn't like being in the double American digits, and went to peruse the triple digits (102 to 104 Farenheit) around 4:45 pm yesterday. He had two short naps between that time and nine pm, drinking one juice box and eating one piece of toast. Promptly at 9 he barfed up the toast and juice, and screamed, but then went mostly back to sleep next to our bed.

At 2am, he began tossing and turning and roasting like a little turkey. He sucked back an entire sippy of water, and cooled off a bit, but kept with the tossing and turning. Around 4am, he decided that we had to go downstairs, because Mommy was there. This logic was clearly false, since Mommy was in bed, as she had to get up at 5:30 to do the paper route she is no doubt regretting. Me and Seb went downstairs, I folded down the futon, set him up with another sippy of water (spiked with Motrin) and let him watch treehouse while I tried, badly, to go back to sleep.

When I left for work, his temperature had dropped back to a reasonable 102, and he was drinking an apple juice spiked with Motrin.

UPDATE: Apparently, his fever broke and he ate half a box of Zamboni and Cheese. Yay, indestructo-baby! (BTW: Zamboni and Cheese is macaroni and cheese when spoken by a child who own thirty books about automobiles.)

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