Stupid Manual Posting...
... I sent this three hours ago via "Post by Mail", and, as you can see... ain't here yet. Well, here it is, retrieved from my outbox.
Can someone tell me why Zalgite, after almost two years of perfect dental hygeine is SUDDENLY very, very against ever brushing his teeth, to the point where he starts crying and I have to take away video game privileges in order to get him to take 1 minute out of his evening to do it? Two years of HIM reminding ME that he had to brush his teeth, all gone and replaced with this intractable refusal to let mint touch his gums.
Also, in response to some previous comments, he loves meatloaf (even though it was full of onions). He also has tried and likes: pineapple, refried bean tacos, stir-fried tofu, and pickled beets. PICKLED BEETS, people. Even more peculiar, yesterday morning he grabbed Throkky's gardening book, flipped through it, and found "rhubarb", and without knowing what it was, told me he wanted to try it this summer. When I explained that it makes BRIGHT PINK PIE, he was all for it even more!
It was unsolicited, he just walked up to me, put the book on the table, and told me he wanted to try it. After a bit more flipping, I explained what eggplant was, and he wants to try it, too.
He's awesome. In related news, I tried several things that I normally hate last night at the vegetarian potluck, including squash soup, and vegetable-mixed rice (with celery. I HATE celery.) And I liked everything. I still wont try rhubarb (horrible child-hood memories), but if he tries eggplant, I'm all for it. Thank you, vegetarian potluck, for corrupting me.