Monday, February 26, 2007

Stupid Manual Posting...

... I sent this three hours ago via "Post by Mail", and, as you can see... ain't here yet. Well, here it is, retrieved from my outbox.

Can someone tell me why Zalgite, after almost two years of perfect dental hygeine is SUDDENLY very, very against ever brushing his teeth, to the point where he starts crying and I have to take away video game privileges in order to get him to take 1 minute out of his evening to do it? Two years of HIM reminding ME that he had to brush his teeth, all gone and replaced with this intractable refusal to let mint touch his gums.



Also, in response to some previous comments, he loves meatloaf (even though it was full of onions). He also has tried and likes: pineapple, refried bean tacos, stir-fried tofu, and pickled beets. PICKLED BEETS, people. Even more peculiar, yesterday morning he grabbed Throkky's gardening book, flipped through it, and found "rhubarb", and without knowing what it was, told me he wanted to try it this summer. When I explained that it makes BRIGHT PINK PIE, he was all for it even more!

It was unsolicited, he just walked up to me, put the book on the table, and told me he wanted to try it. After a bit more flipping, I explained what eggplant was, and he wants to try it, too.

He's awesome. In related news, I tried several things that I normally hate last night at the vegetarian potluck, including squash soup, and vegetable-mixed rice (with celery. I HATE celery.) And I liked everything. I still wont try rhubarb (horrible child-hood memories), but if he tries eggplant, I'm all for it. Thank you, vegetarian potluck, for corrupting me.

Ok, Double Checking...

... I can send in blog submission through e-mail, right?

If so, can someone tell me why Zalgite, after almost two years of perfect dental hygeine is SUDDENLY very, very against ever brushing his teeth, to the point where he starts crying and I have to take away video game privileges in order to get him to take 1 minute out of his evening to do it?  Two years of HIM reminding ME that he had to brush his teeth, all gone and replaced with this intractable refusal to let mint touch his gums. 



Saturday, February 17, 2007

Fear My Crunchy Family

My son is just chock full of surprises.

Last night, he was chock full of something new, when Throkky (wife) announced that I was supposed to have made asparagus with dinner, because Zalgite (son) had announced earlier that he wanted to try it. Then my son pipes up with a speech about he wants to try and like EVERYTHING, except brussel sprouts. Sure enough, he pops a whole asparagus tip in his mouth, after covering it in red vinegar. "Mmmmmmm! Good!"

Then he has two more spears, dipping them liberally in a puddle of red vinegar, and totally forgetting about his spaghetti. He finishes it all eventually, and as a reward for trying something new, he got dessert... a tofu banana smoothie. Dessert tofu, banana, orange juice and some Blueberry Greens+, making for a brownish-purple goo which... tastes surprisingly good. I got to have some, because I had asparagus, too. I used to hate it, and now it's not that bad.

My family is crazy. Tonight, Zalgite will try meatloaf for the first time, and if he likes it, more smoothies! (Really, the smoothies are important since my son's medication destroys his got flora, and he needs the tofu and Greens+ to help it back.)

Friday, February 16, 2007

Verbing Wierds Language

So I was talking with a friend of mine today, and the subject came up of my good luck / bad luck cycle, and I explained that some of my friends call it "Topper's Luck", where something good is offset by something bad, sometimes VERY quickly indeed, wheras bas things are usually not offset quickly by good things. As my friend Tyler put it, "At least your bad luck is evened out by... periods of less bad luck..."

I also realized I'd never told my friend about "Pulling a Topper", which can be defined thusly:

To do something stupid right after doing something smart.

Example: I'll explain something complicated and math-y on the board at the front of the class, possibly pulling correct answers out of my ass. I will then walk back to my desk, trip on my laces, fall over, and take some other desks with me, possibly spilling peoples paper and pencils all over the floor. Then everyone laughs.

I wonder how many people are verbs, too?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Oops, I Destoyed Cancer

From the article:

"'I made a calculation error and used a lot more than I should have. And my cells died,' Schaefer said. A colleague overheard her complaining. 'The co-author on my paper said, "Did I hear you say you killed some cancer?" I said "Oh," and took a closer look.' ... [They found that the compound killed] 'pretty much every epithelial tumor cell lines we have seen.'"

That'll teach her to safely destroy tumors.

In similar news, some other scientists kicked HIV in the nads by finding the one non-chameleonic weak spot, and then stabbing it with protien until it died. It's a good week for infectious diseases!

Speaking of infectious disease, Ted "Tubes" Stevens is back at it, trying to ban schools from looking at websites that have... content. He has introduced a bill to the legislature, but of course, we're not allowed to read it yet, because we've been banned from accessing it over the tubes. Go, DJ, go.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mini-Me's Birthday

We had it at the pool, and as per his requests (over the past three months), it was a surprise party. This worked out well, because he has a pretty lousy memory for things like that. Throkky went "garage-saling" with her mom that morning around 11, so they could pick up the cake and order the pizza and buy everything they need for the party. Then me and the kids went out for a bit to go to see our friends Dave and Mishy.

Of course, we had to pick up their pizzas along the way, but when we got to their place, they weren't there! Gasp! So I told the kids that they were still at the pool, so we had to go pick them up. We head to the pool, and sure enough there's Dave outside having a smoke. We grabe the pizzas, wrangle the kids, and head inside.

Everyone jumps out from behind the table we reserved, and yells SURPRISE!!!

My son, true to form, looks stunned, and almost starts crying. He walks up and hides behind me, and it's almost three minutes before we get him loosened up to smile. *sigh* So much like me, despite my best efforts...

The party itself was a success, though. Most of his cousins, some of his friends, pizza and cake, a pool with a waterslide, and presents galoe (including some SWEET ones). The part I'll remember most, though, was putting him to bed that night:

Son: That wasn't a nice lie you told me today, Dad.
Dad: Well, I had to get you to the pool, with pizzas, without you figuring out it was a surprise party.
Son: Here's what you should have said, you should have said that we were just going for a little swim.
Dad: I'm sorry, I just thought it was going to be good to be a surprise party.
Son: I almost cried. That wasn't a good lie. Don't do that again.

I thought he was going to ground me.


Lastly... sweet fancy moses, hot diggitty daffodil, it's actually happening! 300 is arriving!