Bitch, Bitch, Bitch...
"Oh, MJ, you don't blog often enough!"
"Oh, Zalgon, why don't you blog more?"
"Oh, Topper, your blod hasn't been updated in so long!"
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get the picture. People inexplicably feel the need to know what's pissing me off on a day to day basis. On the other hand, it has occurred to me that this is the only place I really talk about what makes me mad, stuff I don't talk about on the forums (since they banned me) or on MSN (since they ignore me) or with Throkky (since she bans AND ignores me :) ). Still, I only ever feel like blogging when I'm away from my computer, and something occurs to me.
Things like:
- Stuff Zalgite says ("Will Dave come to the potluck, if he's done whining?")
- Stuff Throkette does (Jumped down off of Zalgite's bed with not so much as a bruise)
- Stuff that makes me mad (drivers, technology, patriotism, the world, the RIAA, drivers)
- Stuff that makes me happy (bass, writing, and other stuff I don't do)
- Stuff that makes me tired (drivers, Zalgite, Throkette, work, more work, drivers)
- Stuff that makes me think (see: list of things that make me angry).
See, this is how I write when I'm sleepy and hungry.
Obligatory Amusing Youtube Video
Obligatory Youtube Video Of Awesomeness